Writing this book involved endless hours of field work, research and editing. Hundreds of hours have been put into this project by myself and other climbers.
A special thanks goes out to Gravity Gear (Jasper), Gripped Magazine, and to all those climbers and friends who have supported this project. Even with all this gracious support, the printing cost is more expensive than other books. This is largely due to the massive amounts of colored pictures a quality guidebook contains. Together we made a difference. this guidebook is now out there, a dream not only to me, but to every climber in the region and for climbers worldwide.
You can purchase the guidebook online trough the author via Amazon. https://www.amazon.ca/Northern-Exposure-Jasper-Rock-Climbing/dp/0994967306
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Kickstarter Campaign! Thanks to you, this book has been published and 2000 copies have been printed.